Being Awesome

I am revisiting ‘The Theory of Awesomeness’ after almost a decade now. Mindvalley has come such a long way and I too find myself today as a new and improved version than what I used to be. I have a newfound appreciation for this gold that Mindvalley has shared mainly because all these years ofContinue reading “Being Awesome”


We live in a world of contradictions now. Social media has done that to us. This is making it almost impossible to embrace authenticity. One moment it seems that you have found yourself, defined yourself accurately and the next moment you come across a new thought process, a new idea which challenges your entire being.Continue reading “Nonetheless”

String of Moments

I was contemplating really hard on whether I should write this post or not. Then I felt I should. However, if you’ve experienced significant trauma or fear being triggered, it’s perfectly understandable if you choose not to proceed with reading it. Someone I deeply admired passed away recently. He decided for himself that life wasContinue reading “String of Moments”

A Journey of Self-Love and Self-Care

‘My beautiful’… I whispered to myself. The process of embracing self-love was intertwined with trials and tribulations. No matter how many ways you define self-love everyone will discover it in their own ways. To each his own. But the most important thing is you find your way to it. And then stay there. Someone onceContinue reading “A Journey of Self-Love and Self-Care”

Remembering Bob Proctor

When I started this blog almost a decade ago, I was a girl who was so desperately looking for some way out. So miserably failing in her own eyes and so pathetically making herself try to fit into this world. Needless to say, I was lost. But as I have said in my book ‘GüzelimContinue reading “Remembering Bob Proctor”


I fell in love with this beautiful word when I heard it for the first time in the movie Pointbreak. ‘Bodhisattva’ refers to someone on the path to Awakening. A being set upon Enlightenment. The ultimate searcher… In the silence of the nights, in the privacy of our minds, we are all searching for something.Continue reading “Bodhisattva”

The Truth is Out There

This is an old post from my old blog. But with the rumors of  ‘X-Files’ returning on air making a round, I thought of walking down the memory lanes too. Every year I wait till my mom gives up on me to declutter my ‘no less than a pig sty’ shelter. I mean my room.FewContinue reading “The Truth is Out There”

Forgiveness Challenge By Desmund Tutu

I don’t know why or how a 1.38 minute video in simple black and white animation with Desmond Tutu’s voice in the background moved me so much.Simplicity wins again.It was such a short but powerful journey to truth and forgiveness or should I say my desire to forgive… There’s divinity in forgiveness… but the taskContinue reading “Forgiveness Challenge By Desmund Tutu”