As you start celebrating yourself, you also become celebratory.

Being Awesome

I am revisiting ‘The Theory of Awesomeness’ after almost a decade now. Mindvalley has come such a long way and I too find myself today as a new and improved version than what I used to be. I have a newfound appreciation for this gold that Mindvalley has shared mainly because all these years of…


We live in a world of contradictions now. Social media has done that to us. This is making it almost impossible to embrace authenticity. One moment it seems that you have found yourself, defined yourself accurately and the next moment you come across a new thought process, a new idea which challenges your entire being.…

String of Moments

I was contemplating really hard on whether I should write this post or not. Then I felt I should. However, if you’ve experienced significant trauma or fear being triggered, it’s perfectly understandable if you choose not to proceed with reading it. Someone I deeply admired passed away recently. He decided for himself that life was…

Güzelim My Beautiful: A Journey of Self-Care and Self-love

$ 10

‘Güzelim’ means My Beautiful in Turkish. This book is about being your own beautiful. The author through illustrations and storytelling has shared her personal journey of self-love and self-care guiding her readers through the series of practices that has helped her to find her way back to herself. This little book is a small token of love that can be passed onto someone you love, including yourself.

From journalling to meditation, from ’embracing the little you’ to ‘creating a magnificent self-image’, the author in her simple words has walked the readers down the path of finding herself beautiful again.

This book is also available as paperback on Amazon. To experience the beautiful illustrations grab it now from your region.

‘It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.’

Sir Edmund Hillary

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